Day of Home Care for MOM
Many of you know I take care of my mom full time, we do have home care 5 days out of the week, and ive been struggling for awhile with getting someone consistently here everyday for her to help her with day to day stuff, and improving and getting better. My mother had a tumor removed from her spine that caused a rollercoaster of events to transpire over the last two years. She's been through a totally of 7 surgeries since and at this point we have reached its time for her to adapt to her life and improve so she can eventually do it on her own. For now I need home care daily, because otherwise it cuts into my duties at home. I have managed to find someone from a new agency however it comes at additional costs, insurance covers most of it. But by buying this you are gifting me a day of Home Care for my mom and it helps tremendously and less stress/anxiety for me. And I will reward you with a personal thank you ;)