It's 2021, and both houses of Congress have ratified the Green New Deal. - Needless to say, I am overjoyed that the legislation package I sponsored has finally become a reality, and I couldn't have done it without the tireless labor of my staff. In particular, this staffer my assistant has always gone above and beyond, and I want to celebrate. I send everyone off to the bar to celebrate but ask my assistant to stay behind so I could speak to him. I know how much he enjoyed it the last time I gave him a reward, and I suspect that the reason he works so hard is not just because he believes in my policy initiatives, but because he can't stop thinking about me, can't take his eyes off of me during meetings, and would do anything to make me happy. Well, now's his chance: he can make me happy by doing exactly as I say. I reward him by letting him stroke to me again, but this time, I’m going to take things further and get naked for him. Needless to say, it has to remain a secret between the two of us! I give him some JOI and encouraging words but he must also do exactly as I say. Stroke, stop stroking, start again. He can’t cum until I give him a countdown and strip down completely naked. I slowly take my heels, stockings, jacket, skirt, blouse, bra, panties, put my hair down and take my glasses off and only then do I give the countdown.
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