I intercepted a package in the mail. It was really heavy and I didn't order it. The package is addressed to my step-son, and he didn't tell me he ordered anything. I was curious, so I opened it. To my surprise, it was actually a really nice full body sex toy. I got all dressed up in my nice lingerie that I never get to use on my husband... he's always traveling and too busy to show off for. Before he got home, I snuck into my step son's room and waited to confront him about the toy. Once I startled him and complimented his choice, I figured I'd offer to show him how to properly use and care for his package. I got him nice and hard with a Blowjob, and then stroked his cock with both of the toys holes. After that, I decided to give him a proper comparison and rode myself, cowboy style. If we keep this up, maybe I won't be so lonely with the husband away! **tags** toys femdom latex lingerie bodysuit fleshlight small penis cock blowjob bj sucking cock suck handjob lips lipstick lick licking short hair brunette step mom stepmom step-mom step-mother stepmother stepson step-son step son oral fetish riding cowgirl reverse cum inside creampie pussy fuck
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