Smiley is wearing knee high converse, jean shirts and a white shirt. She loves to get her sneakers wet and these knee high are on a whole new level. the lace all the way up and fit perfectly around her calves. She dips each foot in one at a time and fills up her shoes with water. When she gets out and walks around you can clearly hear all the water sloshing around with every step. Each time her foot touches the ground her wet shoes squeaky and squish loudly. Smiley gets in and out of the hot tub to walk around and hear the shoe noises. Eventually she gets the courage to get all the way in and soak her entire outfit. Her bra becomes very visible when her shirts gets wet. She grabs and plays with her wet clothes and splashes around. She likes to take her shoes in and out of the water to feel the rush of water pouring in and pouring out past her feet
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