Human Cow Bull Breeding A woman little more than a girl really, finds herself in a field robbed of everything, but her glasses, where she is strongly obliged to get on all fours and crawl seductively for the old bull, piss like a filthy field cow and then present herself to be mounted for breeding. How she was taken from the world of free will, clothes, make-up and iPhone's and wound up sold into hu-cow breeding slavery is not told in this offering. Here we see her at the docile state, she has accepted her fate. The old man will keep her like this and breed her, or if his seed is sour have others do it. Then with belly fat sell her on to the barns, but after that there's no hope of salvation. Only a return one day to the breeding fields. She can still have dignity, she can strive to be the best in herd, prized valued and through that be a pleasure asset as long as she never expects to be more than a human-cow breed fucked in field or filth.
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