What? Your sister left and I got bored. Reaaallyy bored. So "bored". I'll just make myself comfortable. Hey, do you remember that one thing we did that one time and we swore we'd never tell anyone? Well, I haven't told anyone, and like I said I'm so very bored. What'd say? Oh come on, she still has no idea. I can keep a secret, even from my best friend. *I continue doing things that make you want to fuck me* I know you want to shove your cock inside me. It's so erect I can see it through your jeans. She's gone, she'll text me when she's on her way home. Let's do it already. We're wasting time. That's what I thought. Let me get these stupid leggings off. There we go. I've been waiting to fuck you again. We only get one week a year to fuck like this. We have to make the most of it. I want you to fuck me and then cum inside me. I couldn't stop reliving our last fucking in my head over and over again. Now I'll have this spring break to think about when I touch myself at night. Fuck me already, we have to hurry.
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