Smiley is wearing a small fluffy dress. She steps outside and goes straight for the pool. She walks in up to her waist and her dress floats around her. She dips in deeper and then stands up. Her dress goes see-thru instantly and clings to her butt. It practically wraps around her booty and sinks into her buttcrack. You can also see her bush straight through the dress. She gets back in and gets wet up to her breasts. The dress material is SO clingy! Smiley lays back in the water and floats on her back. Her hair flows out and surrounds her head. Her boobs pop out of the water while floating on her back. She turns around and makes eye contact while she slowly sinks below the water. She comes up out the water while keeping eye contact. She is completely wet now. Smiley goes under a few more times and floats on her back again too. She also is getting in and out of the water to show off the clinging and soaking wet dress.
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