I come home from a long day of work, pissed off and ready for my foot rub. You're nowhere to be found, so I march around looking for you as you hide for me. Finally I find you hiding behind my shoe rack. I'm furious with you for hiding, so I threaten to step on you, holding my high-heeled foot over you ready to stomp. After thoroughly terrifying you, I sit down, take off my shoes, and demand my foot rub. You do your best to rub my tights-clad feet for a while, but your best is not good enough for me. Your tiny hands just don't do the trick. I tell you you'll just never work out as a tiny foot-rub servant, but would serve me better as a snack. I scoop you up and place you in a bowl, telling you that I'm just going to have to eat you, because you're otherwise useless. At least you might tase good. I tease you with my open mouth and tongue out before swallowing you whole.
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