My first analDressed in stocking suspenders, an extremely short skirt and cleavage on full display Im bound to catch my bosss attention today, Im standing on his desk filing when he catches me I know he can see right up my skirt and when he makes a remark about my slutty outfit I know Ill get my way with him. I climb down of the desk and un button my blouse, giving him my huge breasts to fondle. Whilst he tweaks my nipples I take his huge cock straight in my mouth, making it extremely hard and sloppy. I cant resist wanking him of between my tits and showing him just what my hot body was made to do. He then bends me over his desk and rips my panties to one side. I know whats coming next but before I can even say anything his hard cock is deep inside me pounding my pussy. I want to show him just how dirty I am and finger my tight ass hole whilst hes fucking me, he takes this action as an invitation and helps himself to that sweet tight arse. Cock deep in my arse after a few strokes I wan
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