In this video I’ve invited you back to my flat after our first date, we’ve had such a great time I want to carry on the night! You suggest we put on the TV but I tell you I’m sick of hearing about the local news story about the prisoners. You haven’t heard of this story so I excitedly tell you all about it… our local prison has had reports of prisoners going into a meditative trance and at the same time somewhere in town a woman will enter that same trance. Usually during this trance the women ends up committing crimes that line up with the crimes of the prisoner … this has led to a conspiracy theory that somehow the prisoners are possessing innocent women’s bodies! What an odd story… you then ask to use my bathroom and leave the room. Unbeknownst to you in your absence I’ve entered a trance!! Suddenly my body is possessed by one of these criminals! He’s disappointed he hasn't managed to swap with a bank teller or something more useful than a random woman but he gets to work exploring my body determined not to let this swap go to waste. The prisoner is busy fucking my pussy with a dildo when you walk back in and are shocked by what you see! The prisoner explains the situation but you’re convinced it’s me and I’m playing some kind of kinky roleplay… this is shaping up to be a pretty interesting first date!! 1080p quality, available to stream or download immediately, hope you have as much fun watching as I did recording! Demi xxx
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