In this video you (Will) are a new member of the Creekwood Golf Club. Membership is very hard to come by so you're pleased to have been able to join, you always assumed it was so competitive because of the beautiful grounds. Within the first 5 min of you arriving I approach you and introduce myself as the Chief Intimacy Officer, because it’s your first day at Creekwood you get to use all of my services for free! You nervously ask what those are… I tell you cheerfully I offer handies, blowjobs, tittyfucks and full penetrative sex! In fact the catharsis of ejaculation has led some of our members to have the best rounds of golf in their entire career! Right there it clicks for you why this golf club is constantly flooded with applications. We agree on a coke and a titty flash for your first service. I return later and convince you to let me stroke your cock, noticing you’re having a little trouble I offer you something to make you nice and hard and tell you I’ll be back in 30 min to see how you’ve progressed. You’re rock hard when I return but still nervous, I notice the wedding ring on your hand and tell you the majority of men who visit the Chief Intimacy Office are married - you have nothing to worry about! Before you know it we’re on my golf cart and off to enjoy the delights of one of my Luxury Cum Suites! 1080p quality, available to stream or download immediately, hope you have as much fun watching as I did recording! Demi xxx
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