You and Smiley are going for a nice walk on the trail when she suddenly needs to pee. She has a tiny bladder and should have known better. She admits she REALLY needs to pee and will piss herself if she doesn't find a spot to relieve herself. She looks around and sees a nice little bush next to some trees and heads down that way. However, the area is surrounded by hidden water under expired grass. She takes one step towards it and her foot sinks down into dirty, muddy water. Her sneaker get absolutely soaked and she has no idea how deep the water gets. She backs up and tries to look for another route over there but she can't hold it anymore. She says she is just going to shimmy her skirt up and take a squat right here and now. She does exactly that and lets out a gush of piss through her panties. Smiley thinks that's enough and since she let out a little bit, she should be fine. She pulls her skirt down and start apologizing for not being able to hold it. But then, more pee starts to trickle down her leg. Her skirt grows a big wet spot and pee is soaking her sneakers. She starts to panic, there is a ton of people on the trail and people partying near by and they are going to know for sure that she has peed herself thanks to her wet butt. She lets out what's left in her bladder all over her skirt, panties, legs and sneakers, creating a big pee puddle under her. She tries to think of an excuse to why she would be wet and remembers the muddy puddle. She steps back in but this time she soaks both sneakers with muddy water. Making it look like she feel in a puddle. She keeps asking you how obvious it is and turning around to show you her wet spot on her butt. She hears someone making a loud noise and it spooks her to run back to the car. You both briskly walk down the trail. All the while, Smiley is worried someone is going to know what she has done. She asks you if her wet spot has dried yet and has an idea. She takes off her panties to help the skirt dry faster. She keeps walking faster and realizes her sneakers are making loud squishing noises with every step. She is doomed. A couple walks by her, and she begins to accepted her fate. Smiley starts to make light-hearted jokes about this embarrassing but hilarious situation. Swinging her wet panties around and throwing them over her shoulder. Finally, she sees the car and makes a run for it.
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