"Hey little one! You look so tiny down there. Come here so I can take a good look at you." I scoop your tiny body up in my giantess hand. "That's much better. I want to take a real good look at you before I sit on your tiny head with my fat giantess ass." Followed with an evil laugh. "You're so tiny and cute, it's ALMOST a shame to have to do this to you." I pick you up and place you just inside my ass crack while I clap my ass cheeks together hard so I can squash you like a little grape. I lift up both butt cheeks and hold them up and say "Get lost in all of this giantess ass. Hey! Where did you go? Did you get lost in there already?" I reach behind and feel around looking for you. Ahh there you are! Tangled up in my panties. Wedged in there with my booty shorts. I pick the wedgie out of my ass. "Where did you go? You got lost AGAIN! There you are! As I pull you out and show the camera. "I thought you got lost permanently for a minute." I stuff you back inside and make my amazing ass cheeks clap some more. You visibly move around my ass crack while I do it. "You're holding on for dear life while I squash you like a grape with my giantess boulder cheeks. I lift and slap both of my ass cheeks hard repeatedly. My cheeks drop and jiggle. I say "Hold on little guy! Hold on!" "Are you ready for all of this weight to destroy you? I know you want all of this big booty on top of you. All of this fat and cellulite flattening you like a pancake. Don't you? You know you're such a pathetic little man. You don't stand a chance against this ass. I can't wait to destroy you with my big powerful booty. You weak little FUCK!" I slap my big bubble butt hard. "Get ready for the finale little man. You're about to be flattened by this massive booty. Are you ready for this? Think you can handle it? This massive. megaton, bubble butt. It's like a giant earthquake coming down on you." I bed over close to the camera and start grinding my hips and say "Get ready! Get ready little man. You're about to get CRUSHED! as I clench my cheeks hard. I twerk a little more and then sit down. You're wedged just inside my ass crack with my booty shorts. I tell you how much of a loser you are to be crushed by my enormous booty. I lean to the side and lift one ass cheek up then the other and say "I see you peeking out of there. Peeking out of that dark cavernous ass crack. Hehe." How do you like that? Crushed under my weight into nothingness. I butt drop you and say "This ass is so much more than what you could handle. Such a patheic loser." And I laugh like a giant, evil bitch. I lean forward and show you still stuck in my giantess ass crack and say "Look at you. Stuck and no where to go. Even if you wanted to escape you couldn't. Cuz I'm much bigger. stronger and powerful than you." I then flip you off, smack my ass again and laugh at you. "Now I'm really going to sit on you and flatten you. Get in there!" I stuff you deeper into my ass and drop my big butt down with all of my weight over and over and over again as I laugh. I grind my hips to flatten you with everything I've got. "Can't take all of this ass. It's too much ass for any man. Especially a tiny, weak pathetic little man." I keep dropping my big booty down on you and say "How does it feel?" I laugh, spread my fat ass with both hands and say "I'm enjoying this A LOT." Continued by repetitive butt drops, hard grinding and rocking back and forth. I say "Take that. Take it all." I laugh evilly again and lean forward to show you flattened between my big butt cheeks. I keep dropping my big butt down on you to make you as flat as as sheet of paper. I laugh and say "I AM THAT evil giantess." I bounce up and down fast and hard. You can hear the knick knacks and cookie jars in the room rattling from my giantess earthquake ass, the entire room shakes under my great weight. I lean forward on the stool and say "What are you going to do now? Hmm? I'll tell you what, fucking NOTHING. Cuz that's what you are, NOTHING." I drop my ass down on you with full weight like a ton of bricks again and again and again. "I'll tell you what tiny man, you love this ass so much, this is what's going to happen next. I'm going to keep you as a souvenir buried deep in my ass that you love so much. Your little body is going to get mashed up even more inside my fat, meaty ass!" I pull my black silky booty shorts aside place you inside my tight asshole and say "In you go!" I pull my booty shorts back into place with you stuck INSIDE my butt hole. "That's where you belong, deep inside. Deep inside my fat, sweaty, meaty giantess cheeks. Look at them sticking together from all of the sweat." I start flexing my strong giantess butt meat. "I'm going to turn you into pulp squeezed by my huge bubble butt forever. A weakling like you NEVER stood a chance against the mounds of ass fat you were up against. Remember, losers like YOU are always going to get flattened by big butt Goddesses like ME.
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