I had a selfie of me with snot dripping out my nose while crying, so naturally I've gotten a lot requests for videos. I took a video of me sobbing & crying my eyes out hysterically when I got some bad news. No talking, all tears & snot. It drips from my nose into my mouth. I didn't have any tissues, so of course I just blew it into my shirt because I'm just a gross, nasty, disgusting bitch. Boogers never really hurt anyone. It's a normal, bodily function, so why should I give a fuck? Clearly I was sobbing and sniffling because I had more important things to worry about. TAGS: SNOTTY , NASOPHILIA , NOSE PARTIALISM , NASOLINGUS , MUCOPHILIA , PHLEGM , DACRYPHILIA , DACRYLAGNIA , GROTESQUE , WEEPING , SNOB , SLOB , SLOPPY , MUCUS , NASAL , TEARS , TEARY , DISCHARGE , BAWLING , WAILING
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