After I arrive at your house and see your parents off, I turn around and let you know how the night will go. Your mommy told me to read you your favorite book, Little Red Riding hood, as a bedtime story, but I don't do that shit. But I'm happy to play pretend- I'll be the Big Bad Wolf, and you have to be a good boy so I won't eat you! You're to do EXACTLY as I say... if I'm not satisfied, I'll swallow you whole. Now that you're prepped to be my little slave, I sit back and demand a foot rub. Pretty soon I decide I'm not satisfied, and give you a warning. You try your best but it's still not enough, so I instruct you to fetch me salt, pepper, and a tooth pick. All the better to eat you with! I season you with the salt and pepper, and you begin to cry. I tease you for your pathetic tears, complaining that I already salted you and now you'll be TOO salty! After poking fun at how much of a loser you are, I pick you up and swallow you whole. Next, my bare feet enter the scene and a loud burp is heard with your glasses falling to the floor. I sit down on the couch and pick my teeth with the toothpick. I burp, pat my full belly, and taunt you. Just shut up, settle down, nobody is going to save you! After a couple minutes of this, I go to bed for a nap. My belly dramatically rises and falls as I let out cartoonish snores.
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