Poison Ivy takes you back to her house after a lovely date. She is whispering very quietly, and you can hear every time her lips press together to form a word and sentences. Ivy is very pleased with you and tells you what a gentleman you have been today. She wants to take things further but she is a bit selfish. Even though you've been a great date, she doesn't think men deserve pleasure or ever get to feel the warmth of women skin. Such a shame because she really wants to be intimate with you. However, she has a plan. Ivy has all the poison in the world and all kinds of methods to knock you out. She teases you and shows off her body a little bit before kissing you and making you fall into a trance. You can hear her riding on top of you. You can her and smell her bouncing and having the time of her life. But you can't see it. You can't feel it. You have no free will. Eventually, you wake up to her wearing nothing but your dress shirt. She tells you what a great time she had when you were out. You were so good, she is going to keep you here and use you as her sex slave for the rest of time.
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