You have a beautiful new place father in law, truly happy for you! Your son makes me the happiest woman on earth and I know he gets all his values and up bringing from you. As we speak and watch up on life together you tell me you have to confess something to me & show me to your room to tell me about it. We are all alone in your room & your telling me all these things I can’t believe, I truly can feel a weight off my shoulders because I have fantasied about you since your my father in law & look just like your son. I debate if this is a good ida but you have me so wet & horny I just give in. You put that dick deep inside me & we dirty talk back and forth to each other. We have to be super quick before they find out were both gone together. You cumshaw all over my ass & I hurry to put my dress back on, all with your nut on me the rest of the night…
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