Such a passionate story. Detlev, I'm ready for a massage, I'm waiting for you. I love it when you touch me. I love to feel your touch on my skin, you massage my body so gently, trying to give me pleasure and relaxation. You sneak up to my ass, massaging my buttocks, and gently touch my pussy with your fingers, making your way to it. And then you're already touching it with your tongue. I roll over onto my back in perfect relaxation. You massage my breasts, my thighs, gently spread my legs and give me oral caresses. You kiss my pussy lips so lovingly, lick me, it's so passionate, so hot. I moan softly with pleasure. Detlev, you're the only one who knows how to make a woman happy. We move to the bedroom, and this place is sure to burn with our passion for a long time to come
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