The Story Since you were little you have dreamed of being a singer, you have been preparing for it for several years, taking singing classes, playing the piano, etc. At first your parents supported you, but now they see that you are getting older and you still don't have a job. You have appeared at every audition there has been to date, but you have not been selected in any of them. But your luck changes one day when you audition for “The best talent”. It is a new contest where you show your talent and the jury together with the public choose what you can be good at or not. At the end of the contest, whoever performs her talent best will win $100,000. The test went well and you have been selected to compete. The day of the contest arrives and you come very excited. All your family and friends are watching you. You are very nervous and the time has come for your performance. You start with your voice broken by nervousness, but after a few seconds you recover and sing like you've never done before. Your performance was great, although the audience didn't applaud much. It is time for the jury's assessment: “You have sung wonderfully, the problem is that the world is full of voices like yours and it is very difficult to succeed. We find it very difficult for you to have a position as a singer, but your physique is beautiful and we think you could be a porn actress. We know it's totally different and unethical, but you could get rich. Still, let the public choose where you could succeed, whether as a singer or as a porn actress.” You start to get nervous, you couldn't imagine that the jury was going to act like this. You don't want to be a porn actress, but you're getting older and you still don't have a job. You trust the public to choose the singer option. During the longest minute of your life, the public votes in their seats. Then when the result is shown on the screen you are surprised. 85% of the public believes that you would be a better porn actress than a singer. Then the jury gives you the ultimatum: “The public agrees with us, the only option to continue on the program and win the $100,000 is for you to become a porn actress.” You start to get even more nervous. You haven't had a boyfriend for more than 5 years and you were never good at sex. Your family is watching you and becoming a porn actress is a shame for you and for them. But on the other hand you have always put all your effort into it. It is the most difficult decision of your life. With a broken voice you say: Yes, I accept the challenge. Everyone applauds, the public and the jury. Then you go into the dressing room. The stewardesses tell you that it is time to get ready. They have to make you up, dress you, explain how you should act, etc. They start with the makeup. For lips, use brown lip liner and pink lipstick. The eyes use pink eyeshadow with lilac touches and plenty of black eyeliner. They put big earrings on you. They put blush on your cheekbones. They comb your hair. Then th
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