Hey there, freaks, geeks and weirdos. Welcome to Thick Thighs, Spooky Vibes. I am your host, Rem Sequence. In this series, I am going to introduce you to some of the spookiest places that South Australia has to offer. Although Australia is notorious for creepy places, haunted houses and downright horrifying animals, we are going to start by exploring my home state of South Australia. In working out where to take you on the first episode of this series, it really was a no-brainer. We are going to start in Kapunda, a town on the Light River near the Barossa Valley. Kapunda ticks all the boxes for this episode and in fact, there are many specific locations in the town that qualify. Kapunda has been called Australia’s Most Haunted Town, with several heritage sites being active with paranormal activity. I worked in and around this town for 10 years and I can tell you it definitely has a unique vibe. Apart from the supernatural stories surrounding a number key locations here, it also has had it’s fair share of horrific crime and other human tragedies. Some say the town was built on a ley line and that is why it seems to attract so many strange and volatile happenings. Others say it is just the result of being stuck out in the middle of Nowhereville, South Australia. In this episode, I explore one of the many cemeteries in the town and it's surrounds. Join me as I walk through Kapunda Cemetery
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