Script: Stalker uses mind control on me 10mins video Script: Opening shot is a pov, guy opening his phone in a dark room, to look up his messages, he taps on the only conversation he has on his phone, a contact named “Her”. The messages on the screen read, Him: Hey, so I know that we’ve known each other for a long time, you trust me with your feelings and I trust you with mine. So I guess I’m trying to say that I love you, and I hope you feel the same. She responds with Her: Oh! That’s so sweet! But I don’t see you that way, you’re just a really good friend to me! The next messages are him freaking out and texting back crazy stuff like he’s the “only good person in her life”, or the “only one who will treat her right” stuff like that. She doesn’t respond. His last text is “Fine! You’ll see soon enough!”. Next we hear a door open and see a light turn on in another room and see that the guy is sitting in a bedroom closet with the door opened enough to see outside but not be seen, the closet is still dark. He sees a woman come out into view, she’s wearing a red dress and heels, gold hoop earrings, gold bracelet, and a gold chain necklace (the one you used to wear in your older videos) and whatever other jewelry you’d like to wear, I’m a big fan of of women who wear lots of gold jewelry. She lets out a sigh as she just came back from partying or something. She says: “Ughh I’m so tiiiirred!” She stumbles as she takes off her heels and red dress to reveal that’s she’s only wearing panties, she then gets into bed and goes to sleep. A little while later, the guy creeps out of the closet and makes his way to her, he gets close to her face to test if she’s asleep, he slowly lifts the blanket to see her breasts until she snores and moves a bit, he backs off but she still asleep, probably wasted. The guy, now knowing that she’s out cold, puts a pair of over ear headphones on her, which are connected to his phone (probably should turn on screen rotation lock for later). He then plays the brainwashing program (which could just be a video of a h ypno swirl moving, just something visible that looks like a brainwashing program. It also doesn’t need sound, it could be muted as long as the viewer sees the swirl on the phone). The program runs while we get a shot of you in bed, with the blanket removed and showing your body, and being brainwashed with the headphones on. The program starts to affect you, you slowly start shaking and moving your head and your face looks like you’re in pain or that something is changing your mind against your will. You quietly start saying, “No….. no…… no…” Then you slightly start moving your body like your arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, and your body and breast move up like they’re being lifted towards the ceiling. The “no’s” continue throughout these movements. Then you abruptly stop. And your body freezes for a few seconds. Then you sit up quickly and open your eyes and stare straight in front of you mindlessly as you let out a (loud but not scream loud) “No!” You sit upright like this for a bit as the camera does a scan of your body and of your face. Then after a bit like this, you lay back down like before, and your eyes close again. The program keeps running and doing it’s thing, you do the body and face movements like before. Then the guy starts to run his hand on your cheek, over your breasts and later moves down to your pussy, with your panties still on. Still sort of resisting, you let out a few weak “No’s” The guy slightly shakes the phone, this turns up the program, and it run more aggressively to brainwash you. After he turns it up, you react like you got shocked. He then goes back to touching your body, then you weakly say “No…..Please…..” Unsatisfied with your continued resistance, he shakes the phone hard and aggressively, which makes the program run at max power. You get shocked again but this time your body, from your pussy to your neck goes up quickly like it’s being lifted. Then you fall back down after 5 or so seconds, and your head rolls to the side and your body is spread out, as if you were thrown onto the bed and were a rag doll. The guy then goes to touch your boobs and you let out a “Mmmmmm” Then he goes to take off your panties to rub your pussy and you let out a very seductive moan. He then takes off the headphones as the program is done. And he snaps his fingers, and she wakes and opens her eyes but stays still in bed. He then goes in to slowly and slightly open your mouth. The camera then pans out to show the guy pull his pants down reveling his hard cock, and he starts walking towards you as we fade to black and end part 1.
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