KinkySubGirl says she wants to be a good puppy but after I try playing with her, I realize I’ll need another pup, (Bad Pup Ash), to help train her well. Puppy Clair & Pup Ash get on the bed together & make fast friends. Ash shows her how to use all the toys and how to play while being a good puppy. While I help out with some discipline when needed to keep Ash’s excitement in check. After a few good sniffs though, Bad Pup Ash can tell Puppy Clair is in heat! Stepping in & keeping the hyper puppies playing before things get too heated. A few good spanks might do the trick or maybe... the poor over-excited puppies need stronger discipline, like the flogger. I know how to use it well… Training Puppy Clair and keeping Bad Pup Ash’s excitement in check… Did I bite off more than I can chew!? ;) → Wanna see more of Clair → kinkysubgirl.manyvids.com
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