Hello! If you are watching this video, this means you have been selected for thr CBE Program. Why were you chosen for the CBE Program? Because the Excecutives are Attracted to your Wife, and Of Course, they want to have Sex with her. Your Roll, as a CBE Representative, is to Encourage this relationship between the Excecutives and your Wife. Don't let her belive she's cheeting, and Of Course, always remain Happy with your Wifes Relationships. The Excecutives will be Gifting your Wife with Expensive Treats anf Vacations. You May stay in the same bed with her when she is home, but you are NOT to have Sex. And of course, the Excecutives don't like condoms or birth controle, so when your wife becomes pregnant, you Will Support her. If you agree, please sign the documents in front of you, and I'd you don't agree. You are Fired. If you have agreed, we might as well move on to your training. Since you won't be having sex with your wife anymore, you'll need New Ways to Satisfy your Needs. Please unbutton your pants, and start stroking your cock. 4.5 Minute JOI Thank you for Joining the Cucked By Excecutives Program, Have a Great Day!
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