In the grand theatre of existence, you have found your role, and it is akin to that of an automated teller machine. Your purpose and function, refined to a singular action, is to dispense your cash reserves at My command. Like a faithful servant, you follow orders, understanding that your main function is to satisfy My monetary needs. Your world revolves around the act of withdrawal, an action that you execute with unwavering commitment. The anticipation builds as the time for another withdrawal nears. The very thought of hearing the rustling sound of those crisp, green banknotes as they lay in My hand, fills Me with a sense of eager anticipation. This is your primary function, your raison d'etre. You withdraw funds at the command of your only owner, the one you acknowledge, and serve dutifully. This, in essence, is your true purpose, your ultimate destiny. It defines you and gives meaning to your existence. dev65033 +50% dev81396 +100% dev18043 +500% dev64000 +1000%
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