The plot: spot a snake like creature (alien) on the ground, You move closer to go to better look. suddenly you feel frozen and fall to your knees. The aliens starts slithering slowly towards you and there’s nothing you can do except move your head. You watch in horror as it starts slowly slithering up towards you. It then starts slithering around your body as if it’s examining you, until it gets to your mouth. It then enters your mouth, and slowly makes its way down your throat. As it does, this, you start to get really horny. Keep your mouth open and swallow repeatedly, and make morning and gagging sounds. Once it fully enters you, close your mouth and fall back flat on the ground and start to convulse and contort your body. As well make lots of moaning and groaning sounds. Once you finally finish convulsing, you slowly get up in a dazed, as you were not conscious while you were convulsing. Look around and wonder why you were on the floor, then suddenly you feel something moving around inside your stomach. you realize it’s the alien. And start to act horny again as you get pleasure from it, swimming around in you, grab your stomach as you can feel it moving around. Say things like “the alien is inside me”, “I can feel it swimming around in my body”, “ it feels so good inside me”, and “ I can feel it twitching inside me”. Then you start to feel sick in your stomach and your belly starts to move. Suddenly you fall back on the floor and convulse as you do puffed your chest out and run your hands along your belly every so often and act as if you’re getting horny. You then puff your chest out as much as you can and you fall back down exhausted, feeling up your belly
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