Picture this: I am perched in a corner, a sight to behold. I am wearing My tall, shiny boots that reach up to My knees, boots that have been polished tirelessly until they gleam under the lights. The boots are not just footwear, they are a statement, a testament to My style and the aura of authority I command. Enveloping Me is a beautiful fur coat, exquisite and plush. The coat is a soft, luxurious haven, its rich texture adding an undeniable touch of sophistication and opulence. Its warmth is a comforting embrace against the chill in the air, creating a cocoon around Me. Yet, in this picture, I am completely ignoring your presence, you are merely an entity lost in the background. The world around Me has faded into a blur, your existence in it is inconsequential. You fail to penetrate the bubble I have created, a bubble where I am engrossed in My own world, unperturbed by external disturbances. In one hand, I casually hold My vape, an accessory as much as a pastime. Every now and then, I take a puff, the vape crackling to life in response. A cloud of fragrant smoke is released into the air, its scent intertwining with the atmosphere, becoming a part of the narrative I am living. In My other hand, you'll find My phone, the screen brightly lit and buzzing with activity. My fingers dance across the screen in a familiar rhythm, scrolling through social media feeds, replying to messages, getting lost in the web of the digital world. It's a world that fascinates Me, draws Me in, and for now, it has My undivided attention. I am engrossed, oblivious to My surroundings, a symbol of the modern world's indulgence and the constant pursuit of personal satisfaction. dev65033 +50% dev81396 +100% dev18043 +500% dev64000 +1000%
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