You offered to give me a foot massage and I thought why not. I made my feet extra chic and painted them light blue before you massaged them. So here we go, I lie down on my back and stretch my feet out towards you, you rub them with oil and don't miss a single spot, rubbing my heels, toes and soles. Then I lie down in doggy pose so that you can get even closer to my soles and rub them out. Oh, that was really relaxing and very soothing, but somehow it even turned me on a bit, so I suggest I give you a massage too. I pull down your boxer shorts and give you a nice footjob. First I lie on my back and then back in doggy pose, luckily my feet are still nice and oily and I can give your cock a nice massage. As the crowning finale, you can fuck me in doggy until I come. Fuck, that was really hot, we can do these kinds of massages more often.
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