In this story you are a businesswoman who goes to a party of important people (politicians, businessmen, athletes, singers, actors, etc.), I am the Secretary of Defense of the United States, we meet talking and by mistake you burp, which makes me immediately fall in love, so after that we go into a room where you burp constantly and very strongly, since it is a party I need you to wear a very very elegant dress for the video as a gala dress, preferably red, green or black, also talk with the burps what you want to say I leave it to your discretion, In the moments where you burp too loudly, pause briefly and say softly how nice or something like that while touching your chest, the first 30 seconds I want them to be without burping and more than anything is how we get to know each other and then the rest of the video is us in a room and you burping constantly, Also do not worry about setting up your house as a party, the most important thing is the character you are going to play and the costume you are going to wear,
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