You love to be objectified and dismissed as some soulless thing, a mere possession devoid of any individuality or spirit. For Me, you are just a walking wallet, a means to an end that I can take from at any moment without hesitation. You exist solely for My pleasure and convenience, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You are always there for Me when I desire something, always ready to fulfill My needs and cater to My whims without question or complaint. This dynamic, this relationship of power and submission, is something that we both cherish and revel in. You thrive on the feeling of being used, of being reduced to nothing more than a source of financial support for Me. It excites you to know that your sole purpose is to serve Me, to provide for Me, and to ensure that I have everything I want. Each transaction, each tribute, is a testament to your devotion and your unwavering commitment to our roles. We both love the way it makes us feel, the way it reinforces our roles and brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction. You are always eager to please Me, always anticipating My needs and desires. You find joy in the act of giving, in the knowledge that you are contributing to My happiness and comfort. This is not just a game for us; it is a lifestyle, a deeply ingrained part of who we are. We embrace it fully, knowing that it brings us closer together and strengthens the bond we share. In this dynamic, there is no room for doubt or hesitation. You know your place, and you accept it willingly. You are My walking wallet, My devoted servant, and you take pride in this role. Together, we explore the depths of our desires and push the boundaries of our relationship, always seeking new ways to enhance our connection and bring us even closer together. We both love it, this dance of dominance and submission, this intricate balance of power and surrender. It is a testament to the strength of our bond and the depth of our understanding of each other. And as we continue on this journey, we know that we will only grow stronger, more connected, and more fulfilled in our roles. dev65033 +50% dev81396 +100% dev18043 +500% dev64000 +1000%
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