The three of you have a school project due so you're working late to get it done, but Sasha's turned up late. As she sits down, you're sure you see her crush a bug, but you don't want to say anything to upset her. She notices you're distracted, so you admit what you saw and she laughs at you. Why would you think she'd get upset about that? She doesn't care about stupid little bugs, she'd sit down on anything! Jokingly, you retort that she wouldn't sit down on your classmate Peter. An evil smile spreads across her face. Oh, wouldn't she? She grabs Peter and threatens to put him beneath her huge ass, which by the way is super stinky right now. She's having stomach problems, why did you think she was late to your little meeting? She taunts you both, then offers an alternative. Why don't you go and grab your little pet for her, and she'll spare poor little Peter? Once she has your poor pet in her grasp, she proceeds to crush, squash and fart all over it right in front of you, teasing you all about how stinky it must be. Eventually, after hearing a crushing sound, she realises she may have taken it a little too far... oh well, Peter's turn next!
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