Custom Vid Side view of bed) You are in bed about to go to bed (in your pajamas). You're suddenly awakened by something thrusting up inside of you. You throw off the covers to reveal a massive belly. You realize to ghost has returned. Being the final straw, you grab your phone to call an exorcist. The ghost uses your belly to knock the phone from your hands. You get up to go get help, but are stopped as you get to the door. (Straight on shot of door from inside room) As to get to the door, you're spun around and pulled back by your belly (like being pulled by rope attached to belly button). (Back to side view of bed) Angered, the ghost knocks you back onto the bed and begins thrashes you around. Out of pure desperation you grab some lipstick and draw a crucifix on your belly. Suddenly, everything stops. Feeling safe, you sit up on the side of your bed and begin to taunt the ghost, even giving your belly a little shake with your hands. Suddenly your belly starts convulsing. You are pushed onto your back (belly still convulsing). You try to sit up, but are pushed back down. Your belly is then slowly pulled high up into the air for several seconds before crashing back onto the bed. You are relieved that the ghost is finally gone
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