My mom is out on a business trip and Ms Scarlett elects to watch me for the weekend. She has grown fairly fond of me in our time spent together over the past few years (it's not all just spanking sessions). I am normally (now anyway) well behaved for Ms Scarlett so I am all to happy to spend the weekend with her and her daughter. I have a slight crush on Cheryl and I have seen her in the school a few times (she pops in to see Ms Scarlett every now and again). Ms Scarlett has a teacher's meeting to get to one of the nights I am with her and you (Cheryl)are left in charge to watch me. You order pizza and a salad and bake cookies, and we have a fun movie night. The Pizza I scarf right down but the Salad I start to pick at and ultimately refuse to eat it. You tell me how important it is to eat my vegetables and to grow strong and healthy but I still won't eat any of it. You set a time and tell me that if I don't finish in time you will have to have a "Discussion" about obedience in her Bedroom (she's implying a spanking) I tell her that she can't spank me because she's not the boss of me and I knock the salad all over the floor. Now, you have spanked me before, a few swats at mischievous behavior I've exhibited around the house, and I immediately regret my outburst and plead my apologies. You tell me to go upstairs and wait for you. You pull up a chair in the middle of the room (or you can sit on the bed) and you tell me in great detail about how upset with me you are. You had a very fun evening planned, but now, due to my behavior, the fun needs to be postponed because I have earned myself a sound spanking. You explain to me that you have had lots of experiences spanking naughty boys, and that every boy you have watch knows all too well that you do NOT tolerate tantrums. You tell me that you are not going to give me a 3 tier spanking like Ms Scarlett does (which at first I am relieved about) but that you are going to give me a severe spanking with your favorite Paddle (or brush, whatever you have that's good and thick
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