You don't just LIKE porn, do you, gooner? Your relationship with porn is so, so far beyond "liking" porn, or even being addicted to porn. No, your relationship with porn is best described - can ONLY be described - as your sexuality. You are pornosexual. It's normal for you not to have realized this before. After all, pornosexuality doesn't have enough visibility. But that's why you need to accept yourself. Because it's not just about knowing that you're pornosexual, it's about knowing that there are plenty of little gooners like you out there who have also become pornosexual, and you need to help them! You need to raise awareness, spread the word, let it be known that you and others like you aren't JUST pathetic gooners, loser jerk-junkies, or helpless pumpsluts. No, you're even more than that. You are pornosexual, and we're going to discuss how you're going to show the world.
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