Oh look who it is, just the asshole I was looking for. You've been feeling weird lately? Hmm I wonder why? Perhaps its all the sissy porn you've been watching or the women's clothing you've been wearing? That's right, I know all about your other side. Sooo I looked into this and figured I would help you along in your little "journey". Yep. You know why I've been making you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No not because I'm a good wife. Nope. It's so I could pump you fill of estrogen with each meal! I can't believe you haven't noticed your tits growing and your (already small) penis and balls shrinking. You're so pathetic. No I didn't come up with all this, god no. I learned from the nationally recognized Sissy Camp. Which is where you're headed! I'm going to tell you all about it. *No nudity
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