MYA, Cleo, Katherine and Greasy Rose are enjoying a pool day and Cleo suggests that they play some pool games. The girls decide on a game of chicken fight. They determine who the bases will be by comparing biceps. Cleo and Rose start off as the bottoms and the game begins. Rose and Katherine push MYA and Cleo into the water very quickly! The bases stay the same but the tops change up partners, this time it's more of an even fight and lasts a little longer but in the end Cleo and Katherine get pushed in. The girls all determine that Greasy Rose is the strongest and can't be taken down so they all jump on her and try to get her head underwater. The 4 girls become a tangled mess trying to get her underwater but still fail. They realize that Rose will not be defeated and when she flexes all the girls get excited and start kissing and licking on her muscles. Moaning and soaking wet the girls excitement in the pool get them hungry for some chicken.
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