We have been dating for a while now, I am desperate to have sex with you and I decide that tonight is the night. You are nervous and have never fucked someone so beautiful and your experiencing performance issues. I give you a little pink pill to help you relax. What can go wrong, the side effects of actually shrinking are surely just not true. But then, as i'm grinding, you just disappear! I find you eventually hiding behind the pillow. At first I am sorry. Then I cant stop laughing at how small you are, then I remember how much I wanted to fuck, and a 'tiny' problem like that is not going to keep me away. I love it! Its so satisfying having you climb in my pussy and squirm. I remember i've always wanted to try anal and think this will be the best time. You climb into my ass, but you get lost in there, and you are never ever getting out.
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