Two exterminators have been sent to an apartment to see what they can do about the resident’s tiny problem. Experts that they are, they know tinies can be really sneaky, clever little creatures and their holes and hideaways are often difficult to spot before it’s too late and the whole building’s got structural damage. After searching high and low through the property with no luck, they decide to bring out the big gunz. A brand new state of the art piece of kit for fighting tiny infestations: a shrink ray! What better way to get into the enemy's head than to become them. They'll shrink down to tiny size to gain some perspective, hunt down their targets, then resize and exterminate! But as Sasha uses the shrink ray, she notices only her intern is shrinking, whilst she stays the same size. The device must have malfunctioned! As she watches him get smaller and smaller, her gentle reassurance to him turns to disgust. And by the time he's no bigger than an ant at her foot, her whole demeanour has changed. She knows it's her colleague, but something within her is so repulsed and angry at the site of yet another tiny pest, she doesn't care. She immediately to try to exterminate him, narrowly missing as he flees to find safety in numbers with the other tinies. And the real hunt begins...
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