Cocky patient arrives at clinic and Dr Cox introduces herself. He wants to become a sperm donor and he boasts he'd like to contribute multiple samples. The doctor tells him there's no need really as most patients only provide the one sample on the day as that's all we'd expect them to be able to produce in one helping. Patient claims he's not a typical patient and has quite a high libido, well endowed, ejaculates frequently and wouldn't want to let good sperm go to waste. The doctor smirks at him, we'll see what you are able to produce when the time comes. However the doctor informs him that she need have to review his notes first. I've checked your medical history you seem physically fit with a clean sheet. No medications, don't smoke or booze and quite physically active. Having multiple partners keeps him in real good shape he claims, the doctor points out that noticed he put in a relationship on this status but yet he has multiple partners. Your current girlfirned isn't aware of your leisure activites then. He openly admits he's cheating and enjoys having multiple women on the go. The doctor looking unimpressed carries on and tells him she will need to examine him too beforehand. It's a standard routine medical checkup, we want to ensure all our donors are in perfect health before supplying a sample. She turns to the side to fetch some latex gloves in the drawer and when she turns to face him again he has his cock out. Sir what are you doing? I think you misunderstood what I meant. You said retieve a sample you want to examine the goods right. Well for starters I was going to take your vital fluids and check your heart rate and usually you will enter a private booth to distribute your sample. She decides to play along, I am here to help and assist so let me personally retreive your samples. The doctor with latex gloves starts giving the cock patient a handjob, flirting with him and letting him think he's winning her over. Biding her time and allowing im to get comfortable like putty in her hands, she unbuttons her lab coat to reveal those amazing tits. He is completely distracted now and she comments that he is nearly ready, she reaches into the drawer to get a container to collect his sample, but instead pulls out a syringe and plunges it into his leg, someone had to shut you up. The patient with blurred vision sees the doctor with a blade in her hand taunting him. He's totally numb/paralysed so he can't move. I'm not a total monster she laughs he can't feel anything but when it wears off you notice you can't feel nothing between your legs. I couldn't stand to hear anymore of nonsense, now you'll have nothing to boast about. You'll have lost a big part of you that I'll be keeping as a souvenir. She begins toying with the idea if chopping off his cock, telling him how he deserves it for thinking he could flirt with the doctor and have his way with her. Oh I'm a sick bitch and what about the serial cheater your lame attempts to add another notch to your belt backfired lying cheating scum like you deserve to be castrated. She wants to punish him and begin slicing into his cock to make a dent and then grabs a scissors to cut it clean off. Holding his severed dick in her glove, you got too attached to your manhood now I've detached it from your body. Now dressed as a executrix in tight leather and holding his dismantled dick in a jar. You see I have a dark hobby, I like to collect cocks of my patients we all have our vices right just like you said earlier. I guess you won't be bragging much anymore now will you now that your pride and joy has gone missing. Your cock is mine, finders keepers losers weepers. I won't get away with this, who are you going to tell? The receptionist at the desk, miss she cut my cock off and now I have no willy. You want to go throught that embarassment and humiliation be my guest. I emascualted you, you have no balls I own your manhood and what's left of it remains in this jar. I've taken a fine sample today and I'll be holding onto this and add it to my collection. Now walk out that door in your weak petty state and crawl back to your gf you'll be lucky if she stays with a loser like you after I've destroyed your ego and dismembered your dick. **MV Version is 8K Downsampled to 4K - Send a Message After Buying If You Are Interested In Purchasing The Full 8K Version** Doctor, Castration, Penectomy, Latex Gloves, Gelding, Femdom, Executrix, CBT, Cheating, Kink, Extreme Domination, Humiliation, Domination, Fetish, roxy cox, roxycox, britishtaboo, britishtaboouk
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