While swimming in a pool, mermaid Nathalia notices MYA Pleasure lazily swimming around. She stays hidden, watching as MYA tires of laps and rests on the pool's edge, her feet dangling in the water. Nathalia can't resist and begins to touch MYA's feet underwater, startling her and causing her to quickly pull them out of the pool. Nathalia then emerges from the water and reveals herself, asking MYA where she got her unique feet. MYA, still startled, stares at Nathalia in disbelief. "You... you're a mermaid?" she stammers, eyes wide. Nathalia nods eagerly, her gaze fixed on MYA's feet. "Yes, but never mind that. Please, tell me about these magnificent appendages! How do they work? Where can I acquire some?" MYA, unsure how to respond, wiggles her toes experimentally. "Um, well, they're just... feet. All humans have them. We're born with them." Fascinated, Nathalia reaches out to touch MYA's feet again, her fingers tracing the curves and lines. "Born with them? How extraordinary! And you use them for... swimming?" "Walking, mostly," MYA explains, still bewildered by the situation. "But yes, they can be used for swimming as well” They both are fascinated by each other and admiring each others beauty and differences. Nathalia explains that mermaids show appreciation for things differently, gets more comfortable and then begins to worship MYAs feet. She starts to lick them and suck on her toes while MYA sits there in shock and disbelief. MYA enjoys her time so much that she tells Nathalia that she would like to see where she came from and would like to meet more of her kind. Nathalia gets excited, grabs her by the hand and pulls her into the water saying that they might just keep her!
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