Sumiko is set up to train a naked Nicole in a long, sweaty workout. They start off with some stretching to loosen up the muscles before going into 45 minutes of weightlifting and cardio. They stretch their arms out and do some light yoga and squatting. From there, Sumiko has Nicole do biceps curls with presses. In between sets, Nicole does tummy touches, crunching and swiveling from side to side. In between, Nicole does scissor kicks and flutter kicks on her back. After, Sumiko pulls out the bench, and Nicole does some rowing. Sumiko corrects Nicole’s form and helps her to get the most burn out of her lifting. Nicole tummy touches on her back between, followed by crunches and leg lifts. Nicole’s muscular body flexes and squeezes, her tight body shining with her efforts. After Nicole’s last set of triceps, Nicole does a circuit of crunches and bridges, really squeezing her glutes. She goes right into side planks, utilizing her core and holding each side. Nicole then does weighted step ups on the bench. She shadow boxes between and really works up a sweaty sheen over her totally nude body. Sumiko winds Nicole down with stretches, and her workout for the day is done!!!!!
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