HUNTING FOR TINY HALLOWEEN INTRUDERS! It’s Halloween night. Alexa is a huge giantess goddess who has just returned to home after an evening of hunting and gulping down dozens of humans. Her belly is already stuffed full and bulging with her meals. She immediately notices something strange, there are tiny humans in her home! It seems that a few trick-or-treaters snuck into the big scary giantess’s home on a dare. She feels very full, but decides she can squeeze a few more foolish prey into her gut. She spends the main video dramatically “searching” for the tiny trick-or-treaters and then pretending to swallow them. She picks up the prey and gulps loudly each time she swallows one. She takes various poses as she searches, crawling, leaning over, looking under furniture, all while sticking out and emphasizing her belly, towering over the camera. She makes sure to film some close-up views of her bulging belly swaying as she walks around, looking for her prey and carrying the camera with her. She mentions how her food is "sloshing" around in her stomach as she moves. As she does this, she repeatedly finds tiny trick or treaters hiding around her house, swallowing each one with loud gulps. Maybe they were trying to sneak in to spy on her, or maybe they’re just lost innocents. Either way, she’s a greedy and evil giantess, so she swallows them anyway, even though she isn’t hungry. She teases a lot, focusing on her stomach, tormenting her young, innocent prey by showing off her belly and talking about how she’s digesting so many people, including their friends. She talks about how some who’ve been in her belly for longer have already died, but many are still alive. She spends a bit longer on the last tiny person. She pretends to lick the viewer to "taste" him, then swallows him too, saying he was the most delicious she had today. Finally, she lies back on her chair to digest. Her belly is really full now; it’s time to rest and slowly digest them all. Tomorrow, her stomach will be flat and empty, and she’ll do it all over again.
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