My dearest, insignificant mortal, As I sit before you, my eyes fixed upon yours, I can feel the craving rising within me. The air is electric with anticipation, and I can sense your trembling heart beating in your chest. You are mine now, a plaything, a morsel to be savored at my whim. In this, our little game, you will be caged, a prisoner to my desires. I will feed on your essence whenever the mood strikes, and you will be powerless to resist. The thought of your succulent flesh coursing through my veins is almost too much to bear. My fangs ache with anticipation, and I can feel the desire building within me. But do not think for a moment that you are anything more than a mere snack, a fleeting indulgence. You are nothing, a mere mortal, a speck of dust in the grand tapestry of eternity. And I, the Vampress Delilah Dee, am your eternal mistress, your queen, your destroyer. As the thunder booms outside, and the lightning flashes, illuminating the dark recesses of my true nature, you will catch glimpses of the demon that lurks within. Do not be afraid, my dear, for it is in those moments that I am at my most passionate. And so, I invite you to join me in this eternal dance, this waltz of desire and submission. Let us savor the moments, the hours, the days, and the years, as I drain you, slowly, deliciously, and oh, so exquisitely. Yours, in eternal servitude, The Vampress Delilah Dee Keywords: Vampire, Fetish, BDSM, Captivity, Mind Control, Erotic Horror, Supernatural, Fantasy, Fetishistic, Dominance, Submission, Slave, Mistress, Queen, Destruction, Desire, Seduction, Sensual, Dark Fantasy, Erotic Fear, Paranormal, Occult, Macabre, Gothic.
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