Meet the wealthy magnate, Mr. x, who's been bedridden for months. his family thinks they're in line to inherit his vast fortune, but little do they know, I've got other plans. As his private nurse, I've been taking care of him, and taking advantage of his vulnerability. When the family is away, I'll use My seductive charms to convince him to change his will, making Me the sole beneficiary of his empire. Teasing and tempting him, with My nurse's uniform, seamless brown full-back panties and frilled black ankles socks all to My advantage. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? * CC * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOD subbies use markup codes: +10%: Mus32924 +25%: Mus38588 +50%: Mus13626 +100%: Mus57677 +250%: Mus84284 +500%: Mus22495 +1000%: Mus35000 My Website: TheMuseNaadia.com My Twitter: Twitter.com/Muse_Naadia My Promo Twitter: Twitter.com/TheMuseNaadia My IG: Instagram.com/MuseNaadia My Wishlist's: SpoilNaadia.com
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