So I've thru hiked all 2200 miles of the Appalachian trail and I've thru hiked the Long Trail, but both times I had someone hiking with me... This year I really wanted to do my first solo overnight backpacking trip and last month I finally did it! Aand I wanted to share some of it with you. Join my on my first solo back packing trip, enjoy the view of my sweaty pits and sneakers. Sit with me while I take a smoke break and a snack break. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful hike. I left a little late in the day and ended up hiking into the night before making it to the shelter and had to set up my tent in the dark. Luckily I had my headlamp and am experienced with night hiking and setting up camp in the dark! I didn't get much of my camping on camera, but the beautiful fall hike (with a bit of snow and mud) was so lovely.
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