In this video I roleplay as a man who got trapped in a woman's body. The video starts with me in bed. I wake up saying "Man, that was a weird dream" and I'm shocked to hear a woman's voice. "What happened to my voice, it's so feminine, where am I?" I remove the blanket and with a very shocked face, I see a massive pair of tits. I grab them with both hands. "What the hell! What happened to my body? What happened to my flat, hairy chest? These are real tits and they are huge!" I grab a hand mirror and have a look at my face and scream. "I'm a woman! No, this has be a dream. What the fuck happened?" I see that there's a letter in the bed and I read it. "Hello, so sorry for the surprise. Do you like your new body? I'm Enigma. Let me explain you why you're now in my body. Last night I visited a witch that makes powerful spells and I paid her to make a soul-body swap spell. You see, I'm tired and bored of my life. Men always have it easier than women, so I took this big decision to swap bodies with a young man so I can start an adventure. Your life and body are just what I was looking for. You better start learning to be me; wear women's clothes, makeup, and manners. Now you have to deal with all the pain in your back because of your big boobs, and the staring from men. Now it's your problem, not mine. Enjoy my body and your new life as a lady, Oh, and I, or should I say, YOU are Pregnant! Ha ha ha! Good luck going through pregnancy and being a future lovely mommy. Bye!" After reading the letter I am horrified. "Oh, my god, no, no! Oh, fuck, this is a nightmare. How am I going to go back to my body? I don't want to have a baby, no fucking way. This is crazy. Well, for now I guess I have to change my clothes, find this witch, and figure out how to reverse the spell." I take off my top and start playing with my boobs, complaining how uncomfortable is to have boobs and that I miss my old body. I find a bra and attempt to put it on. "How do I wear this?" I struggle and get angry trying to put it on, failing epically. "Dude, this is going to be so difficult!"
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