Have a seat, feet up in the stirrups. These are just protocol restraints, nothing to worry about. Your diagnosis came back. Good news is we identified the source of your ejaculatory discomfort, it's a blockage. Bad new is this requires operation. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's the only resolution at this point. Unfortunately, you won't have anesthesia but I'll make it quick as possible. It's easier to slice open the penis when erect, and I have a trick to make it easier on patients. I'll give you a bit of visual stimuli... Good boy, my trick always works! I'll start by inducing an orgasm to see if I can tell exactly where blockage is. I do need to keep this area sterile so please lick this off my gloves to clean it up. Looks like your infection has spread to testicles so I'll need to remove them as well. Don't worry, once I'm finished you'll be nice and smooth down there, like a Ken doll. This will heal nicely, and now your ejaculation problems are solved!
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