54 blocks, downtown and home to the largest population of homeless white eunuchs: BNWO-Skid-Row. A poor, urban area flooded with white people who are considered to be on “the skids”. These whites (you) are useless, a terror to the entire human species and must be kept in their place. As an order of The Black New World Order these eunuchs (haha little ken dolls) are only useful to be slaves used for daily tasks and then dropped off back on the streets at the end of each day. Free labor for eternity. At night all eunuchs are to whore themselves out and all proceeds go to The Black New World Order. The perfect life for all whites. * CC * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOD subbies use markup codes: +10%: Mus32924 +25%: Mus38588 +50%: Mus13626 +100%: Mus57677 +250%: Mus84284 +500%: Mus22495 +1000%: Mus35000 My Website: TheMuseNaadia.com My Twitter: Twitter.com/Muse_Naadia My Promo Twitter: Twitter.com/TheMuseNaadia My IG: Instagram.com/MuseNaadia My Wishlist's: SpoilNaadia.com
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