Nicole is fawning over her Championship belt – and herself- after a match she just won. She can’t stop talking about how great she is when suddenly, Sumiko bursts in with a magazine in her hand. She is absolutely livid. The magazine cover has a picture of Sumiko and describes her as the one and only “Creampuff of Ladies Wrestling.” Nicole can’t help but laugh and make fun of Sumiko. They stare each other down while flexing until Sumiko just can’t contain her rage any longer and punches Nicole in the belly several times, followed by a double fisted blow to the back, bringing Nicole slamming down onto the mats. Nicole gets body splashed and Sumiko thinks she has the upper hand. What follows is a beatdown of Sumiko, the Creampuff of Ladies Wrestling. Video includes (but not limited to): female pro wrestling, Asian women, arrogant women, brat girls, flexing, victory posing, headscissors, lotus lock, leg spreader hold, pussy claw, belly punching, stomps, body splashes, leg locks, pro holds, one piece bathing suits
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