My son is out of control. He doesn’t listen to the teachers at school or me at home. I got to thinking that my profession as a Dom demands people obey my every command. I have grown men, successful, important men, that obey my every word but I can’t get an 18 yr old boy to follow a few simple rules. I may have complete control in the Dom world, but in the mom world, I have none. So it got me thinking that it’s my leniency with my son that has allowed him to behave in such disrespectful ways. My subs would NEVER dare disrespect me in the slightest bit because we have an understanding of who’s in complete control and if they do act out of line, they know the consequence is severe. So I’ve decided to begin raising my son With the same discipline I use in the Dom world. I know that it works and I’m good at it so this video is the beginning stages of my Donination Parenting technique. Yes it gets aggressive and sexual but no one was harmed in the making of this video.
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