Part two of MILF777. Mind control and impregnation. Brycen and she talked. Rachel told him he should let his step-mother know his true feelings about his step-father. He should tell her how cruel he was verbally. Brycen agreed. Rachel brought Julia some sexy undergarments to put on so she could feel better about herself. They were going to a dance and Rachel knew it would make her feel more attractive to the single men attending. Brycen asked his step-mom to talk before she left. She was wearing the garter and stockings Rachel had left her. Brycen noticed how sexy she looked. His step-father did not allow her to dress revealing so she had always been frumpy. As they talked Brycen came out with the truth, Julia stopped him, she did not want to speak ill of her beloved husband. Brycen continued to tell her the terrible things that he had endured. He then began to state things about himself like what a good step-son he was, Julia repeated it out loud. Brycen said a few other things that she repeated like a Stepford wife. Brycen remembered about the mind control device. He knew it was wrong but he secretly sexually loved her. He asked her to kiss him, then show him how she really felt. The device only made a woman do what she really wanted, so she began to suck her step-son's cock. Brycen wanted her to tell him how she wanted him and how he was better that stepdad. She did. They made love on the couch telling each other all their secret feelings. Brycen wanted to have his step-son with her. Julia begged for him to cum in her and get her pregnant. Brycen came hard and deep inside her impregnating her. Rachel made coffee the next morning for Julia. She asked about the talk they had and how it went. Julia was all smiles, she said there was no worries anymore. Rachel was surprised but happy for her. As they continued to chat Rachel noticed that Julia was repeating herself.
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